The Queen(婚後)

最近應邀參加一個電影公司的宴會。席間碰上一位女性友人,因而認識了她身旁的一位美女。她的名字叫Sisi,五官標緻,令我再次想起奧地利茜茜公主(Sisi, Empress Elisabeth of Austria)。
茜茜公主婚後並沒有童話式的幸福,丈夫奧地利皇帝法蘭茲.約瑟夫一世(Franz Joseph I)必須每天一早到霍浮堡皇宮(Hofburg)處理國事,他倆沒有真正的蜜月旅行。傲慢的哈布斯堡家族成員看不起出身比他們低的年輕皇后,喜愛自由的茜茜亦很難接受哈布斯堡王朝嚴格的宮廷規矩,在皇宮裡非常孤立。她變得害羞、沉默,漸漸變成抑鬱。
茜茜還是為丈夫連續生下了兩個女兒,然後生了一個兒子(十年後再生了第三個女兒),但被蘇菲王妃(Princess Sophie of Bavaria)剝奪子女們的撫養權,法蘭茲卻對母親唯命是從,茜茜與丈夫的關係日益惡化,當法蘭茲開始有婚外情,茜茜精神不穩定也愈趨明顯。在眾所期待的男繼承人魯道夫王子出生後不久,茜茜離開了奧地利長期旅行,先後去了家鄉巴伐利亞、馬德拉群島、希臘科孚島、地中海群島、德國賴謝瑙島、意大利威尼斯、匈牙利、英國、法國、瑞士、荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、土耳其、埃及、塞浦路斯、北非等,除了北歐之外,足跡遍佈整個歐洲及地中海各地。
About Astor
Astor is able to express herself with logical literacy but full of artistic feelings. She acts to record her valuable, interesting and unforgettable experiences during her travel and plans to share with others her instant feelings, thoughtful insights and findings via poems, free verses, prose, narration, reference, etc.
Music, Movie, Musicals and Me
Music and theatre have had a close relationship. Theatre can associate with movie or musical theatre (musicals) and I love both of them. I sing theme songs in some Asian movies, such as“When I Dream” (theme from “Dragon Squad”). It easily recalls people not only from scenes of the movie, but also from memory. I love theme music from movies as well as songs from Musicals, especially Broadway. I remember I have fallen in love with Broadway since I was 12. Musical films characteristically contain elements reminiscent of theatre; performers often sing and dance as if there is a live audience watching. Some musical films were adapted for the stage after their great success, such as “The Wizard of Oz” and“Fame”, while successful musicals also definitely received movie adaptations, i.e. stage-to-film adaptations, such as“Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Evita”. We can share our moments after all these years by passing through “Over the Rainbow”, “Out Here On My Own”, “I Don’t Know How To Love Him”, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”, “You Must Love Me” ……
“Moon River” (theme from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”) has to be selected in my new album "Theatre" although it has been covered by hundreds of artists all over the world. I sing it each time, it seems like a live performance accompanied by the pianist just in front of the audience.
“The Way We Were” (theme from “The Way We Were”) must be selected because it was the song of one of my favorite singers that influences me most, Barbra Streisand, and I won the singing contest with it!
“For All We Know” (theme from “Lovers and OtherStrangers”) was selected, of course, in tribute to my forever idol, the Carpenters.
WORDS from Astor :
I hope all of you would like the presentation of my albums.
Everlasting love dedicated to SUPERSTAR...
My dearest family,
Mom and Dad,
All the one I love,
Teachers and tutors, who have enlightened me,
All singers and writers of the original songs, especially Karen and Richard Carpenter.
All musicians,
All my fans and friends.
Thanks GOD.
Astor Fong
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