
I am going to introduce you to my world.
My public life, as columnist, image designer, producer, performer, recording artist, and now as guest music lecturer is well known.
I love to sing, photograph and design. I had a flourishing art business for over twenty years.
No matter how busy I am, I make time for my family, friends and fans. Here we go!


悼念陳任(Joe Chen)


認識Joe Chen(陳任)始於1996年。那時黃毛丫頭的我剛簽約BMG唱片公司,正跟隨恩師Ricky Fung(馮添枝)、Sam Hui(許冠傑)、Ricky Hui(許冠英)、Teddy Robin(泰迪羅賓)等本港著名巨星大哥學習中西流行曲數百首,並組成樂隊HIT Band,於各大酒店私人派對上客串演出。Joe擔任主音歌手的樂隊The Menace在六十年代紅極一時,與Teddy Robin & The Playboys、The Lotus、The Mystics、D'Topnotes等,都是最當時得令的樂隊組合。現在閒時我們還會相約各方Band友好友一起Jam歌或吃飯,一轉眼已超過十個年頭。


熱愛音樂的陳任於六十年代投身廣播界,先後服務本港三間電台。最初在商業電台主持年輕人節目,是香港中文電台第一代DJ,亦是引入歐西流行曲的先驅者。其後轉投香港電台,風格獨特,大獲好評。印象中的陳任為人率直樂觀,說話一針見血,從不轉彎抹角,縱橫娛樂圈多年,廣結不少真正朋友,深得大眾的喜愛。離職後曾出任新加坡寶麗金唱片公司行政工作,直至九十年代新城電台啟播,出任勁歌台首任台長,曾有「勁歌老總」的稱號。近年再次為港台主持音樂節目,致力推廣懷舊經典金曲,對廣播界貢獻良多。記得某個星期天晚上,我應邀出席港台Albert Au(區瑞強)主持的現場音樂節目《2000靚歌再重聚》,即席唱了幾首耳熟能詳的經典名曲,赫然發現「一代宗師」陳任就在我面前的控制室隔著玻璃仔細的看著聽著,一臉鼓勵的慈祥笑容!

還有一次Joe到訪Studio,我正在跟Sam和Ricky練歌,他得知我除了特別愛聽The Carpenters外,還會聽很多不同類型風格的音樂,當時就很喜歡聽Tori Amos、Jewel和Sarah McLachlan,還有Jim Brickman等。他便告訴我他第一次聽到《Silent All These Years》這首歌時已很喜歡,還四出推介,但當時多數人都覺得那首歌比較冷門,甚至可以稱得上為另類,不是人人懂得欣賞和接受,恐怕不能成為本地主流流行曲。結果後來改編成王菲主唱的《冷戰》,竟然連當時的卡拉OK都大受歡迎!可見他對音樂觸角的敏銳和堅持。


身為後輩的我,跟他雖然談不上熟稔,但點滴在心頭...對於收到他於十一月一日因肺癌引起肺炎併發症病逝的消息,覺得很突然,深表惋惜難過,希望他的家人節哀順變,Uncle Joe: Rest In Peace!

About Astor

Astor is able to express herself with logical literacy but full of artistic feelings. She acts to record her valuable, interesting and unforgettable experiences during her travel and plans to share with others her instant feelings, thoughtful insights and findings via poems, free verses, prose, narration, reference, etc.

Music, Movie, Musicals and Me

Music and theatre have had a close relationship. Theatre can associate with movie or musical theatre (musicals) and I love both of them. I sing theme songs in some Asian movies, such as“When I Dream” (theme from “Dragon Squad”). It easily recalls people not only from scenes of the movie, but also from memory. I love theme music from movies as well as songs from Musicals, especially Broadway. I remember I have fallen in love with Broadway since I was 12. Musical films characteristically contain elements reminiscent of theatre; performers often sing and dance as if there is a live audience watching. Some musical films were adapted for the stage after their great success, such as “The Wizard of Oz” and“Fame”, while successful musicals also definitely received movie adaptations, i.e. stage-to-film adaptations, such as“Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Evita”. We can share our moments after all these years by passing through “Over the Rainbow”, “Out Here On My Own”, “I Don’t Know How To Love Him”, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”, “You Must Love Me” ……

“Moon River” (theme from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”) has to be selected in my new album "Theatre" although it has been covered by hundreds of artists all over the world. I sing it each time, it seems like a live performance accompanied by the pianist just in front of the audience.

“The Way We Were” (theme from “The Way We Were”) must be selected because it was the song of one of my favorite singers that influences me most, Barbra Streisand, and I won the singing contest with it!

“For All We Know” (theme from “Lovers and OtherStrangers”) was selected, of course, in tribute to my forever idol, the Carpenters.

WORDS from Astor :

I hope all of you would like the presentation of my albums.
Everlasting love dedicated to SUPERSTAR...
My dearest family,
Mom and Dad,
All the one I love,
Teachers and tutors, who have enlightened me,
All singers and writers of the original songs, especially Karen and Richard Carpenter.
All musicians,
All my fans and friends.
Thanks GOD.

Astor Fong

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